Believe In Yourself
Belief and self-confidence is a work in progress; it is not something that you suddenly decide you want to have and then BOOM – tomorrow you wake up being more confident Unfortunately, it just doesn’t work that way. Authentic self-confidence comes from knowing who you are and who you are not. And this level of self-awareness typically comes from living life, going through experiences (the good, the bad and the ugly ones) and learning the lessons needed to understand your likes, your dislikes i.e. who you really are.
No one is born confident, most of us gain confidence as we age and it is only when we start to recognize and take ownership of our own strengths and weakness is when authentic self confidence starts to take shape. But everything takes time! So, be patient with yourself.
So if you are riddled with doubt and unsure of yourself, the best and perhaps most important tip that I can share with you is to listen to your gut and your desires. Your desires are your own personal internal GPS and if you listen to what your desires are calling you to and you follow- know that you will get where you are supposed to be and you will learn who you are and develop unshakable faith in yourself.
If you would like help ironing out what your desires truly are, download my free Your Desire’s WorkBook and work through the questions – DOWNLOAD HERE.
Spend a few minutes watching a toddler who is learning to walk—that’s self belief in motion.